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  • windeurope_report.jpg
    Press release, Expert knowledge28/02/2024
    The EU installed a record 16.2 GW of new wind energy capacity in 2023. 79% of this was onshore wind turbines. And more than 1 GW came from the repowering of old turbines. Germany installed the most new capacity, followed by the Netherlands and Sweden. Wind energy accounted for 19% of total EU ...
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    Press release, Expert knowledge12/02/2024
    According to Rystad Energy's forecast, Europe's PV output will increase by around 50 TWh in 2024, as large capacities are likely to be installed throughout the EU - especially in Germany. Wind energy generation is also expected to increase in 2024. However, the growth rate is unlikely to match that ...
  • offshore-substation-sunset.jpg
    Press release, Expert knowledge29/01/2024
    The European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) published EU Offshore Network Development Plans (ONDPs). The ONDPs are the first comprehensive cross-border review of existing offshore grid capacity and future offshore grid requirements at sea basin level. They will ...
  • offshore-wind-2023-good-numbers.jpg
    Press release, Expert knowledge23/01/2024
    According to preliminary data from the wind energy association WindEurope, 4.2 GW of installed capacity was commissioned in offshore wind farms across Europe in 2023. This corresponds to an increase of 40% compared to 2022, with the majority of this capacity being installed in the sea areas of the ...
  • Netz2.jpg
    Press release, Expert knowledge12/01/2024
    In 2023, the Bundesnetzagentur has approved around 600 kilometres (km) of power lines. Work on around 400 additional kilometres of lines can begin immediately thanks to legislation that has been passed to accelerate the approval process. The transmission system operators (TSOs) can now begin the ...
  • Renewables_2023_shutterstock_1527609272.webp
    Expert knowledge, Press release01/01/2024
    According to Renewables 2023, the latest report from the International Energy Agency (IEA), the expansion of renewable electricity generation capacity increased by almost 50 % in 2023 compared to 2022. The IEA is forecasting a further increase over the next five years, with solar and wind energy ...
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    Technical article, Expert knowledge20/12/2023
    Repowering involves replacing first-generation wind turbines with modern, more efficient turbines. By utilising the sites more efficiently, the yield can be tripled. In addition, the cost of generating wind power can be significantly reduced.
  • wind_charta_53408330701_8417404819_o.jpg
    Press release, Expert knowledge20/12/2023
    In October the European Commission published the Wind Power Package: 15 immediate actions to strengthen the competitiveness of Europe’s wind value chain. The European Commission and European Investment Bank are delivering on their bits of the package already. But the bulk of the actions fall to ...
  • GWEC_Download.PNG
    Expert knowledge12/12/2023
    Bottlenecks in the global wind industry supply chain could result in the world having only three quarters of the wind turbines needed for a 1.5°C pathway by 2030, a gap of 650 GW to meet climate targets. This is the conclusion of a recent report by the Global Wind Energy Council.