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The overview of international companies in the wind industry.
Schleswig-Holstein offers a positve climate for investing in the wind energy industry. And WTSH provides as a competent partner advice for founding, expanding ...
Through its investment concepts from 1-100% ÖKORENTA offers developers equal partnerships that provide the necessary equity capital for project implementation ...
Partial and full maintenance, replacement of large components, electrical testing, repairs: The decentralised ABO Wind Service maintains, tests, inspects and ...
Partial and full maintenance, replacement of large components, electrical testing, repairs: The decentralised ABO Wind Service maintains, tests, inspects and ...
The companies of the AKTIVA Group advise initiators in the field of renewable energy across Germany. We have made a name for ourselves through our long-standing ...
Calibration and classification of flow sensors (anemometers, wind vanes). Flow measurements and model examinations. Wind tunnel construction and design. DAkkS ...
Selling and renting of IEC-compliant, classified Sodar-instruments; renting of IEC-compliant, classified Lidar-instruments.
blade care Academy Logo - 2019-01 - gr-00.png
blade care Academy is a DNG-GL certified training provider for administrators & rotor blade technicians & GWO Blade Repair course, with 25 years experience in ...
Legal services in connection with renewable energy projects. This specifically concerns energy law, project finance, corporate finance, company law, tax law, ...
As a technical and commercial operational manager of wind and photovoltaic projects we take care of financial challenges and secure maximum yields for our ...
Safety Training f. onshore & offshore wind industry, GWO basic safety trainings & refresher, Helicopter Underwater Escape Training, trainings acc. to DGUV; ...
Anemometer and wind vane calibration, calibration of LiDAR/SODAR, wind measurement systems sale, rotor blade profile measurement in an acoustically optimized ...