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Hildegard-Knef-Platz 2DE10829Berlin
Phone:+49 (0) 40 24430 559
We're working for fossil freedom

Vattenfall is one of the largest producers and traders of electricity and heat in Europe. The most important markets are Sweden, Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark and the United Kingdom.


Vattenfall in Germany

Vattenfall has a clear roadmap to reduce its CO2 emissions by at least 90 percent by 2040 and neutralize the remaining emissions through carbon capture. In line with the Paris climate targets, Vattenfall is thus making its corporate contribution to limiting global warming to 1.5°C. The targets on Vattenfall's path to net zero are based on climate science. The Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi) has endorsed the overarching net zero target and the targets it contains, which cover each of the scopes sufficiently for Vattenfall to achieve net zero.

With these ambitious climate targets, Vattenfall is helping society to free itself from dependence on fossil fuels. Vattenfall is committed to a future where everyone can move and live without fossil fuels. Vattenfall wants to continue to play a key role in shaping the energy transition in Germany - wind farms on land and at sea, as well as solar farms and large-scale battery storage facilities are currently in the concrete planning phase.

For example, another large wind farm with the capacity of a nuclear power plant is currently being planned in the North Sea. From 2027/28, the Northern Lights cluster will produce enough wind power to cover the needs of around 1.6 million German households.

Renewable energy through direct electricity procurement - Improve your company's CO2 balance and benefit from long-term planning security at the same time.

more data:
  • Employees: 20.600