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TÜV NORD certifies on- and offshore wind turbines to all international standards and regulations, evaluates specific site conditions and supports operation of ...
Recurring inspections | Rotor blade inspections with lightning protection measurement | Lifetime extension (BPW) | Commissioning and warranty inspections | ...
From structural health monitoring including ice detection to dampers for tonalities and vibrations – we offer proven solutions to increase yield and optimize ...
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Certification body: system certificates, unit certificates, component certificates
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M.O.E. is an accredited test laboratory and certification and inspection body, which offers services to ensure the long-term and conformen operation of wind ...
Internationally recognised independent consultant for wind resource assessments, wind measurements, due diligence, site suitability, analysis and optimisation ...
anemos Gesellschaft für Umweltmeteorologie is an accredited independent consulting company for wind energy meteorology and your first-choice-partner for wind ...
Energy yield assessment, noise assessment, shadow assessment, evaluation of measurement and operation data, data monitoring, expertise on individual issues.
DAkkS accredited for wind and yield assessments, site quality, sound immission forecasts and shadow flicker forecasts. Further services: Yield data evaluations, ...
DIN ISO 17025 accredited for wind measurements, energy yield assessments, site quality, noise & shadow-flicker assessment; visualizations, WINDebit operational ...
Noise immission prognoses, shadow flicker analyses, wind/yield forecasts for sites, visualisation, visual inspection by drone.
AL-PRO is accredited for: LIDAR wind measurements (with own devices), wind data analyses (bankable), turbulence, shadow and noise assessments and weather and ...