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Inspection. Measurement, Evaluators

Reports of: Wind and energy yields (TG6), wind potential studies, LiDAR/ mast measurements MEASNET, micrositing, optimisation of wind farm layout, techn. due ...
Tractebel offers world-wide planning and consulting services for onshore and offshore wind farm projects as well as wind expertises according to ISO 17025.
DIN ISO 17025 accredited for wind measurements, energy yield assessments, site quality, noise & shadow-flicker assessment; visualizations, WINDebit operational ...
Noise immission prognoses, shadow flicker analyses, wind/yield forecasts for sites, visualisation, visual inspection by drone.
AL-PRO is accredited for: LIDAR wind measurements (with own devices), wind data analyses (bankable), turbulence, shadow and noise assessments and weather and ...
Expert reports/consultancy for windyield, noise, shadowflickering, turbulence, visualisations, applications acc. to BImSchG and building permits, accredited ...
Wind/yield forecasts, noise immission prognoses, shadow flicker analyses, visual impact assessments, visualisation of wind projects, turbulence assessment, ...
We are certified experts by DAkkS for recurring inspections on wind turbines. Additionally, we lifetime extension reports, technical due diligence reports, ...
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Technical consulting and inspections for onshore/offshore wind, PV, BESS and H2: Quality assurance, HSE, grid integration, technical DD, owners' engineer, ...
Experts for e.g. lifetime extension (BPW), WKP, ZOP, damage analyses, assessments after commissioning + end of warranty, vibration measurement, video endoscopy, ...
Evaluaton before commissioning, evaluaton towards the end of the guarantee, expert evaluaton of gears (endoscopic), regular checks, vibraton analyses (CMS / on- ...
Expert opinions, inspections, remote data monitoring, technical advice, alignment inspection, video endoscopy, operational management WEC and wind farms, due ...